This print is 22'' x 22.''
Christine Wong Yap is an interdisciplinary artist working in installations, sculptures, multiples, and works on paper to explore optimism and pessimism. Her work examines the paradox that mundane materials or situations can give rise to irrational expectations, emotions, and experiences. Major touchstones are language, light and dark, and psychology. Her work has been exhibited extensively in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as in New York, Los Angeles, Manila, Osaka, Poland, London, Newcastle, and Manchester (U.K). Born in California, Yap holds a BFA and MFA from the California College of the Arts
This piece of art was selected to be part of the "Justice Matters" exhibit, a joint project of the Middle East Children's Alliance, Alliance Graphics, and the Berkeley Arts Center. The collection was first exhibited in 2005 and includes the works of the following artists: Ayed Arafa, Jesus Barraza, Eric Drooker, Ala Ebtekar, John Halaka, Mildred Howard, Lisa Kokin, Rafik Majzoub, Toxqui Perez, Jackie Salloum, Josh Short, Christine Wong, Holly Wong, and Jos Sances.
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